Ntando Duma builds lavish home

In a remarkable feat that resonates with many individuals, Ntando Duma, the talented 25-year-old actress, has fulfilled a cherished aspiration by gifting her parents the house they’ve always yearned for. Over the course of this year, she has been diligently updating her followers on the progress of her mother’s residence, and the momentous occasion has finally arrived—the house is now completed.

Exuberant and proud of her achievement, Ntando took to Twitter to share the news with her fans. “What brought it on / Where it’s headed. This is still the thing about which I am most pleased and pleased,” she tweeted, accompanied by a photo of the magnificent abode. Her post bore the caption, “Building my mom a house,” encapsulating the sentiment of this monumental endeavor.

Ntando’s act of filial love is not an isolated incident within the realm of celebrity generosity. In February of this year, Thando Thabethe exhibited a similar display of affection by purchasing a home in Johannesburg for her own mother.

This trend of celebrities lavishing their parents with lavish dwellings seems to be gaining traction, reinforcing the notion that familial bonds and gratitude remain paramount even amid professional success.

However, amidst the flood of congratulations pouring in for Ntando’s incredible accomplishment, observant fans couldn’t help but notice a few intriguing revelations. Among them, fans noticed that the plastering on the wall is clearly different from that on the pillars by the verandah. However upon thorough examination we can only conclude that this will be rectified upon the completion of the house as it is still work in progress.

Ntando Duma builds lavish home

Ntando Duma has unquestionably solidified her position as one of the most dedicated female performers in the Mzansi profession. Despite the demands of her rigorous schedule, she consistently lands prominent roles, securing her status as one of South Africa’s highest-paid female celebrities.

Formerly renowned for her part in The Queen, Ntando has recently taken to Instagram, sharing multiple photos of her newly acquired property in Sbahle.

Ntando Duma’s remarkable achievement in providing her parents with a dream home serves as a testament to her enduring determination and unwavering love for her family. As she continues to flourish in her career, her compassion and generosity remain an inspiration to fans and fellow celebrities alike.

Home Makeover Dilemma: Buying, Building, or Renovating? Advantages and Disadvantages Unveiled

Andrea Tucker, the Director of MortgageMe, has compiled a list of advantages and disadvantages to help you navigate the decision-making process between buying a property, building a house, or renovating your current home. This will assist in alleviating any decision fatigue you may experience.

As the new year begins, it is customary to reflect on our lives and make positive changes. This is the ideal time to address any dissatisfaction you may have with your current home. Depending on what is causing your unhappiness, you have the option to sell your house and purchase a new one, construct a brand-new house, or renovate your existing property.

Andrea Tucker emphasizes that each choice has its own benefits and challenges. Ultimately, your budget and lifestyle requirements will be the determining factors in your decision.

Here are some key points to consider:

Buying a Property:


  • On average, buying a home is 20-30% cheaper than building one.
  • Established properties are often conveniently located near schools, shopping areas, restaurants, major highways, and public transport.
  • Established homes usually come with existing amenities such as a pool and garden, saving you the expense of building them from scratch.
  • The process of buying a home is relatively quick, taking around three months to secure a home loan, pay the deposit, complete the necessary documentation, and have the property transferred into your name, allowing you to move in.
  • When purchasing a home, you have the opportunity to find a good deal and compare prices.


  • An existing house may be older and not energy efficient or equipped with modern home automation technologies.
  • You may need to renovate the house to meet your exact preferences, which can be costly. Additionally, making it energy efficient will require an upfront investment.
  • Older properties are often sold “as-is,” without a warranty, so it is your responsibility to thoroughly inspect what you are buying.

Building a House:


  • Building your own home allows you to create your dream house according to your specific design, material, cabinet, and flooring preferences.
  • There is a sentimental value associated with being the first family to live in a brand-new home.
  • A newly constructed home will have fewer maintenance issues.

  • Construction materials and building codes will adhere to the latest safety standards.
  • A new home can incorporate the latest building trends, including technology integration and energy efficiency.
  • There is less competition for buying land compared to existing homes.
  • Building a home can help you save on transfer duties and avoid some of the legal processes involved in purchasing an existing home.


  • Building a house is generally more expensive, but it can save you money in the long run on maintenance, renovations, and transfer fees.
  • Unless you have a project manager within your budget, you will need to oversee the project yourself, requiring regular time commitment to ensure smooth progress.
  • The building industry is known for delays, so you may need to find temporary accommodation while waiting for your home to be completed, which can strain your finances.
  • Inclement weather can cause construction delays, leading to frustration.
  • Building projects often exceed budget and cost expectations.



  • If you have sufficient space and love your neighborhood, renovating allows you to stay in an area you enjoy while improving your home.
  • A home you have lived in for a long time holds sentimental value, and renovating allows you to retain that connection.

  • Renovations grant you complete creative control over the process.
  • There are no costs associated with property transfer or bond cancellation, unlike when buying a new home.
  • Renovations or additions can increase your home’s value.
  • Renovations can often be funded through the capital you’ve already paid off on your home or by applying for additional funds on your existing home loan.


  • During renovations

, you may have to live in a construction site or find temporary accommodation, incurring additional costs.

  • Unforeseen expenses can arise as hidden problems are uncovered during the renovation process.
  • There is a risk of overcapitalizing on your renovation. Before proceeding, research the average property prices in your area and ensure that your renovation costs align with the average house price.
  • Building contractors can be unreliable and may exceed agreed-upon timelines.
  • If your alterations impact the structure of your home, you will need a building inspector to approve the plans before proceeding with the construction.

Andrea Tucker advises that the decision to build, buy, or renovate is challenging and depends on your financial situation and personal preferences for each option. It appears that 2023 will be relatively favorable for buyers, but the housing market and economy will gradually recover.

Therefore, it is essential to thoroughly research the market, evaluate the costs associated with each choice, and create your own list of pros and cons to make an informed decision.

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